Semi-Annual Poetry Competition
We are pleased to announce our first semi-annual Master Poetry Forms poetry competition!
The goal of our poetry competitions is to inspire and invite exploration and excellence in specific forms. We are looking for the best poems created to meet the criteria of the prescribed form.
Our first semi-annual poetry competition will award the best poem that is a tercet form. (For more information on tercet forms, click here to read this section of our book!)
We will be announcing our guest judge in the coming months! First prize is $150 and publication in our anthology. Second prize and third prize are $50 and $25 respectively, and also include publication in our anthology. There will also be opportunity for publication without pay for honorable mentions.
Rules for entry:
- All poems must be original work of the contestant.
- Only unpublished poems, please.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know as soon as possible if your poem has been accepted elsewhere.
- Entry fee of $15 (submit via PayPal button below)
- Submit a maximum number of 5 poems in one document (.docx, .doc, .pdf)
- The subject of your email should be formatted as follows: "First name Last Name - Tercet Form Submission"
- The name of the poet should not appear anywhere on the submission pages.
- Submissions that do not have a matching payment will not be read.
For your submission, please submit a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file to Print submissions may also be sent with enclosed payment via traditional mail. Please address to:
Master Poetry Forms - Tercet Form Competition
26 W Stony Bridge Ct
The Woodlands TX 77381
Submissions close on or must be postmarked by June 30, 2021.